THEN, it was the ‘70s – a fledgling “Celebrity Pictorial,” a cut and paste creation of Chevy and Ed Foster, originally known as “Happy Times,” dedicated to reporting celebrity and philanthropic events.
THEN, it was a time of new political awareness; a time of the beginning of women’s economic liberation, a lifting of the “glass ceiling;” a time of vociferous opposition to the Viet Nam War; a time of advocacy for World Peace; a time for the beginning of serious awareness of environmental issues; a time of emergence of the People’s Republic of China; a time of an Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty; a time of the Iranian Revolution–overturning one regime and establishing an Islamic Nation. THAT WAS THEN.
NOW, here we are witnessing new revolutions fueled by access to modern technology and awareness, that life can be better and the Green Revolution needs to be accelerated if we are to save this planet. Celebrity Society applauds these new goals and prays especially for World Peace.
And what’s NEXT? We continue to revamp our publication with a new logo, a new design, and new and not so new celebrities on the scene, but continue to report on events of interest, people who give, and ideas to make this a better place for our children. After all, is this not the end of the beginning, and what’s NEXT is most promising. Happy Reading!
-Ada Sands
Photo credit: Nicholas Paulos Photography